I have been in the health and fitness industry for 10 years, 9 of those as a personal trainer. I have coached hundreds of clients and helped them achieve their wide variety of goals. I have supported them in their struggles, celebrated their successes and experienced just about every scenario when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goal. All of the things that I have learnt and experienced have lead me to where I am now, and give me the insight to help my members with their goals.
These are the top 5 things that I have learnt over the course of my career. Implement these and you will go a long way to achieving your specific health and fitness goal.
The importance of having a support network
“Surround yourself with great people and great things happen”
I could talk about this for hours; it is such an important part of achieving anything in life, not just a health and fitness goal. The people around you impact your goals more than you could imagine and it is important to make sure that the people around you are supportive in what you want to achieve. Make sure that you let the people around you know what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and how they can help you on the journey. If they are not supportive, that is fine, but make sure that you do find other people that can help you. A few things that you can do to boost the support network include:
- Join in group exercise classes. They are full of people who are doing the same as you!
- Find a gym/exercise buddy. Someone who you can rely on to keep you motivated when you aren’t and vice versa
- Record your food and be accountable to someone as well as your trainer
- Get a personal trainer, even in the short term, having someone there to help you achieve your goals can be the boost you need to make a lifestyle change
There is never a perfect time to start something
If you look hard enough for an excuse, you will always find one. The best time to make a decision on your health and fitness is when your motivation is high, overcome your objections and think about what you want to achieve. If you are always waiting for the perfect time to start you will always be waiting! Life is never perfect; there are always things that pop up and always obstacles that need to be overcome. Make the decision to make your health and fitness a priority and follow through on it. You are always better off starting something and doing your best to make it work, than you are to keep putting it off.
Eating healthy is different to eating for your goal
It is possible to eat a healthy nutritional meal and not be eating what you need to in order to achieve your goals. This can be for a wide variety of reasons, and they will change depending on your goals. It is very important to understand what you need to be eating in order to achieve your goal, and why. If you understand this then you will be on the path to success. If you do not know what to eat, or why you need to eat it then ask someone who does know. Nutrition is 70% of the result, no matter what the goal, so it is hugely important that you understand what you need to eat in order to achieve it.
1 bad meal or a missed workout does not ruin a good week
This all comes down to headspace. How many times have you (or someone you know) missed a Monday morning workout and then all of a sudden the whole week has been deemed a failure? It is how you respond to a bad meal or a missed workout that decides if the week is going to be a success or a failure. Understand that if you are eating 4-5 meals per day that you are eating 28-35 meals per week…does one bad meal out of that really hurt you? Absolutely not. If you decide that the week is now a write-off and the other 27-34 meals are not great, then yes the week is not going to go the way it should. It is the same with exercise. If you are doing 4 exercise sessions per week and you miss one, is it going to make a difference? You might not get the exact result that you are after, but you will definitely be a lot closer to achieving it than if you decide that you will give up on that week and start fresh next week.
Always be very motivated by your goals, hold yourself accountable to them. If you miss a workout or a meal that’s fine, rectify it, do not throw in the towel, you are only hurting yourself.
Consistency is key
No matter what you are doing, if you are consistent in your efforts you will achieve a consistent result.
Consistently good with your food and exercise = a good result
Consistently bad with your food and exercise = a bad result
Consistently inconsistent with your food and exercise = you will stay the same!
People that put on weight are putting on weight because they are consistently doing the wrong things with their food and exercise. They are eating the wrong things and not exercising as much as they should. It is as simple as that. If you are always doing the wrong thing you will get the wrong result.
People who have ‘tried everything’ are a classic example of consistently inconsistent. If you do not stick to something long enough, you will never get the result that you are after. This is the rollercoaster ride that the majority of the population experience over their lifetime. Put on weight, decide to make a change, make a change and lose weight, relax and slip into old habits, weight goes on. It is a never-ending circle and is the result of being inconsistent with your commitments.
If you want a lifestyle change and want your result to be there for the rest of your life then you need to make sure that you are consistent with what you do. You do not have to be perfect all the time; you just have to be consistent. Do this and you will achieve your goals.
These are the top 5 things that I have learnt and practiced over my career so far, and they are what I try to instill with all the members of Authentic Personal Training. Learn to implement them and you will give yourself a great chance of getting the permanent lifestyle change that you are after, achieving your health and fitness goal along the way.
Over the last 3 years Authentic Personal Training has established itself as a leading health and fitness studio on the Lower North Shore. Its supportive community environment is unrivalled in the area and its fully tailored training programs are designed with individual success in mind.
For more information on some of the life-changing results we have helped our members achieve, simply click the link below.
For more information about how our studio operates, and how we can create a program for your health and fitness success, simply click the link below.
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